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Pinked opening crowd scene squared


(ELA's latest songbook movie about trusting & exploring core perceptions)

Pamela Sackett, ELA's founder and principal artist, was looking for a way to expand ELA's arts-based resources and bring the message of her song Pink to a wider audience. Thanks to Catchafire, a skills-based volunteer-recruiting agency in New York, the project post came to the attention of an artist in Savannah, Georgia, in search of a heartfelt, meaningful enterprise.

Inspired by their first meeting with the gifted visual artist Peiqing Lu, Pamela & Daniel Sackett created a visual script to align with Pamela's song Pink. The visual story expands the message of the song, juxtaposing the conceptual-metaphorical poetry of the song's first-person lyrics with the unfolding of a visceral-visual inside story of our self-searching, tender protagonist. 

Thanks to John Milligan's generous songbook production efforts, design savvy and skills, the collaboration has successfully achieved its learning tool resource-expansion goal: an entrancing musical picture book called Pinked!

With the help of another set of Catchafire volunteers, we have translated Pink lyrics into other languages. Please see our details page for Pink.

Windows into a few of Pinked songbook movie illustrations

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*Note: Pinked enjoyed its first successful screening as part of Pamela's guest artist presentation for a 2021 teen-writing program at the University of Washington.

Please contact us if you would like Pamela to visit your group, virtually, to screen this five-minute movie and to facilitate
a lively Q & A/discussion afterwards. 

Emotion Literacy Advocates
