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Emotion Literacy Advocates offers tools to illustrate concepts,
spark self-reflection, discussion and enliven learning!

*To view quick-read snippets of our arts-based resources:
visit us on instagram!


Provocative books written by Pamela Sackett that will challenge how you think about emotion.

I Can by Pamela Sackett book cover

I Can: Twelve Ways to Witness the Heart

$9.95 Paperback, 4 x 6 inches, 76 pages; first edition, July 2019. 
Now available through Ingram for schools, book stores & libraries
Contact ELA for information and for scheduling an author presentation.

Learn more...

I Can book testimonials
I Can book sample
I Can book Circle experience
I Can book's musical trailer


NEED FEEL WRITE  by Pamela Sackett book cover

Storied Picture Prompts
for the Brave Journaler

Energize your creative delving with cartoons, pithy stories & guiding questions (bring your own writing paper). NEED FEEL WRITE provides loving noggin nudges toward deeper contact with your own unique inner terrain.

Journaling offers the opportunity to slow your pace, sort and soothe what ails you and envision afresh. NEED FEEL WRITE serves you as food for thought and unequivocal encouragement for your self-reflective writing.

Pamela Sackett is an international performer, author, song & script-writer She is the principal artist, producer and founder of Emotion Literacy Advocates.

A cartoonist and illustrator, John Klossner's work appears in numerous publications including The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal & Reader's Digest.

NEED FEEL WRITE book testimonials & samples
NEED FEEL WRITE book's musical trailer
Now available through Ingram for schools, book stores & libraries
Contact ELA for information and for scheduling an author presentation.


I Can book musical trailer
NEED FEEL WRITE book musical trailer 
our growing collection of ELA originals here...

Booing Death by Pamela Sackett

Booing Death

$14.95 Paperback, 6 x 9 inches, 92 pages; first edition, July 2013. Learn more... 

Saving the World Solo by Pamela Sackett

Saving the World Solo

$16.95 Paperback, 7 x 7 inches, 163 pages, Published 2004. Learn more...

Speak of the Ghost by Pamela Sackett

Speak of the Ghost

$15.95 Paperback, 6 x 9 inches, 209 pages Published 1994. Learn more...

Want original, tried and trusted arts-based learning tools?
ELA resources have been successfully integrated into high school and university programs.


Songs, vignettes and moving pictures that illustrate emotion literacy



$8 compact disc with study guide.
A series of four-to-five minute radio-style vignettes designed to engage, inform and inspire listeners to discover new ways of thinking, talking about and viewing emotion. Learn more... 



FREE streaming/MP3 download.
Ovation: "...for the audience of you inside" is a confidence-inducing antidote for envy, peer pressure and comparison treachery ... Learn more...

Pink CD cover art


FREE streaming/MP3 download.
Pink: "...for the knowing-you inside" escorts the listener through a tender process  for strengthening clarity and trust  in one's own perceptions.  Learn more...

Want unique, tried and trusted arts-based learning tools?
ELA resources travel paths that open doors with rhyme and humor.


Explore our gifts to you
of introductory learning materials
and articles


Emotion Literate's Proclamation*

Original narrative that brings a more inclusive way of thinking about the fragile nature of human interaction.


5 Ways to Think Favorably
About Feelings*

Five Ways introduces basic ideas behind emotion literacy advocacy
and suggests larger concepts needed to approach self-understanding.

ELA's Guiding Principles & Values

ELA's Guiding Principles & Values*

Here is a list of eight points of reference with universal application in the world of humans and human interactions. 


A Far Cry* 
The Dangers of Institutionalizing “emotionAL literacy” 

Pamela provides a window into her conception of the term "emotion literacy"...when, why & how her definition, intent and application differs and challenges current uses of the term.



Pamela offers a glimpse into the sub-text of her EL advocacy.


Meditation on Intent*

A piece of Pamela's poetic verses integrated into language arts programs through her work as a teaching artist.

Giving Love the Last Word bk cover art with excerpt reference

* The above six downloads are excerpts from our up-coming book, pictured here. Click here to join our mailing list and we will notify you when the book becomes available. We anticipate a release in early 2025. 💜

Songbook & Study Guide Program LOGO

Songbook & Study Guide Program



Trailer for the Songbook Program
(audio glimpses from six of the twelve songs)

Word for Love, Ovation, Pinked, Full Spectrum Birthday Song 
Now for Romeo,The Ducks & Us

Book a consultation with
Pamela Sackett

Book a 15-minute call

Let Pamela know your interest or question and schedule a short call to discover how working with Pamela and ELA resources can help you. Book a 15-minute complimentary call.

Book a 30-minute meeting

Get an emotion-literate perspective on applying ELA resources to your learning needs. Book a 30-minute consultation with Pamela for $99.

Book a 60-minute consultation

Dig into details and get actionable approaches for applying ELA tools to your personal or professional needs and goals: book a 60-minute consultaion for $175.

(Her materials) are incredibly meaningful. They serve as great sources of food for thought...Pamela is a shining example of someone that can connect with you on a deeper level to create
inner breakthroughs.

~ Marquise Sims, New York artist

I find her (writings and prompts) very meaningful. They posed questions that I had never thought of before and it really opened up a new perspective...wonderful messages that inspire
new thoughts!

~ Peiqing Lu

Pamela’s interactions with the participants were helpful because she demonstrated sensitive, open-hearted, non-judgmental, and focused listening. I felt safe and could sense others did too. She also kept pace with the time limit of the event so more could be covered. This is a delicate balance! I felt heard and included. I noticed I wasn’t afraid of doing it wrong which was freeing.

~ NEED FEEL WRITE book event
workshop participant


The Art of Emotion

Seattle Repertory Theatre's Education & Outreach interviews with ELA's founding artist, Pamela Sackett.

Seattle Repertory Theatre Company's
Prologue article excerpt

"Pamela has proven time and time again that her particular style and philosophy are not only beneficial, but necessary to the concepts of 'education and outreach' in the community."

Emotion Literacy Advocates
